Welcome to FBCA
We are so happy you are here! Watch the message from our pastor, and then let us help you plan a visit and find your place in connecting with the body of Christ. Please feel free to contact us and know that we look forward to seeing you soon!
Our Next Worship Service
Join Us
Bible Study at 9:30am
Worship at 10:45am
What to Expect
We invite you to join us on Sunday mornings for Bible Study at 9:30am. You may ask one of our greeters in the lobby, or go to the Welcome Center, to find more information about a group you can visit. Then, at 10:45am, we come together for worship. The sanctuary is immediately to your right when you enter the doors under the covered drive-through. We won’t call you out or embarass you by making you stand up. We do ask that you would fill out the yellow “Connect” card located in a seat back, and turn it in at the Welcome Center after the service. We have a free gift for you!

Visit our Welcome Center
At the north end of our foyer, you will find our Welcome Center. It is here where you can connect with one of our leadership team, who is eager to meet you and answer questions you may have. One of our church members will also be available to help you find what you are looking for, whether it’s a small group to attend, take prayer requests, or just to find our more information about FBCA. We are here to serve you.

When We Meet
9:30am Bible Study
10:45am Worship
Current Bible Study Classes:
- 3 Adult Classes of mixed age groups
- Ladies Class
- Young Adult Class
- High School and Junior High Classes
- Children’s Classes (grouped by age appropriate levels)
- Nursery (during Bible Study, birth to 2yo; during Worship, birth to 3yo)
5:45pm Fellowship Meal (register in the Church Center app)
- Adult/Youth $5
- Child $4
- Family max $20
6:30pm Small Groups
Current Small Groups:
- Men
- Ladies
- Co-ed
- Youth
- Children (age appropriate levels)
- Nursery (birth to 2yo)
- Sundays, 5pm-7pm: Young Men’s Bible Study
- Tuesdays, 9am, Daniel Bible Study
- Quarterly New Members Class
- Quarterly Business Meeting
Our Mission & Vision
First Baptist Church of Academy is a church who seeks to Love God & Love People by entering covenant together to live out both the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
A Short History
On March 8, 1959, a group of 33 men, women, and young people came together to form First Baptist Church of Academy, Texas, under the leadership and direction of the Lord Jesus Christ. The church first met in a back room of the corner store/service station at the intersection of State Highway 95 and FM 436.
On November 15, 1959, through God’s provisions, the church relocated to the current property of 304 N Hwy 95 to have their first worship service in their new building. The church continued in this building until the building burned on December 4, 1990. Though the building burned and hearts were saddened, God was beginning to bring new life into the church.
Through God’s provisions and the help of countless volunteers, the church moved into a new building on the same property on November 3, 1991. In 1996, the church enlarged the seating capacity of the sanctuary and added more educational space to the existing church building.
FBCA works through the following teams to fulfill the Greatest Commandment and live out the Great Commission.
Worship – covers all aspects of corporate worship at FBCA and is under the direction of our Associate Pastor, Russell Kurtz.
Prayer – we are devoted to prayer and this is reflected in the life of our church. The prayer ministry is under the direction of pastor, Brent Boatwright.
Life – all our our classes, small groups, fellowships and anything else that relates to life at FBCA is led by a team of church members that direct the opportunities available to connect and engage at FBCA.
Care – this ministry is directed to caring for those in need, whatever form that takes. It can look like visiting a shut-in, providing meals for families, or working on needed projects for a widow/widower.
Operations – this team is responsible to oversee all church facilities and property.
Outreach – this team keeps regular opportunities before the church for local, state, US and international venues to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
More on Outreach
Outreach opportunites are specifically focused on fulfilling the Great Commission, providing the church with opportunities to engage locally, in our state and country, and to the ends of the earth – internatioanlly. When you enter our foyer, you will find a prayer wall that encompasses FBCA’s outreach areas. Use the resources available at this focal point to guide your prayers for these outreach areas. Pick up a prayer guide to take home, or ask one of our leadership team how you can be involved.
FBCA currently has 2 full-time missionaries on the field internationally. Connect with one of our leadership team to find out more.